Tampa Dentures | 5 FAQ's
Dentures do not have to be uncomfortable. A meal should be enjoyed not endured.
Every day in our practice, we meet people who enjoy a diminished quality of life because of poor fitting dentures. Unable to eat their favorite foods, uncomfortable about their appearance, and suffering from raw, sore gums, these people come to us looking for a solution.
Fortunately, we can provide virtually any patient with a stable, properly fitted denture, that will allow them to eat, speak, smile, and laugh with complete confidence.

In our practice we take extra steps and care and use a variety of techniques and methods to provide every one of our denture-wearing patients with the absolute best fit possible. For some patients, this means simply taking proper measurements to ensure that their new denture provides a precise fit. For others, we can place as few as two dental implants in a gentle two-step process that will provide secure and long lasting support for your denture.
5 Important FAQ’s to consider before you purchase Dentures in Tampa:
1. Make sure that your dentist spends adequate time with you to review x-rays, best options, and explains in detail all aspects of your Denture journey. Remember, you are not a number… You should be treated as a valued customer for this important decision. Everyone is different, there are no 2 denture cases that are exactly the same. So, ensure that the dentist is spending time to fully evaluate your unique situation.
2. Ask the dentist where they source all the materials and parts for the dentures. You do not want the cheapest option for a purchase that is long term decision of great importance
3. Ask the dentist to fully explain how they will ensure the dentures have a very snug fit long term. The last thing you want is loose dentures which will impair your chewing and ultimately have a negative effect on your digestive health.
4. Ask to see specifics on the warranty that covers the dentures. Also ask what is covered and what is not covered. Dropping or breaking the dentures due to a patient accident may not be covered.
5. Take note of how the entire staff treats you from the minute you walk into the dental office. If they cut corners on staff and practice organization / cleanliness, they most likely will cut corners on the quality of work and materials that creates your Personal Denture Solution.
Life is too short to be missing out on the things you love because of an uncomfortable denture. Call our office to learn more about our advanced approach to replacing old dentures.
A happier, more comfortable you could be just a couple Stress-Free appointments away.